
24/11/2009 12:33

I Lost 40 Pounds on the HCG Diet Plan

I was lucky enough to get clued in to the HCG diet plan by my best friend. Like me, she had struggled with weight issues all her life. We both had tried several different types of diets but never really lost that much weight, and certainly never kept it off. I went out of town for a few weeks this summer and when I came back, she looked fabulous! I had to know her secret, and now I am sharing it with you.

Take HCG and never go to the gym again

One thing that really bugged me about dieting was the hours spent in the gym. I am a nursing student and a single mom, and I simply don't have time to waste in the gym. Lucky for me, you don't need to spend any time in the gym with the HCG weight loss cure. I lost weight and still had time for school and my kids.

Lose weight with healthy foods

As a nursing student, I am really concerned about the foods I eat--proper nutrition is very important to me. But all the diets I had tried called for eliminating a crucial part of my diet, like removing all carbs, or severely restricting my calories. Or they called for me to drink disgusting shakes and protein bars. But the HCG diet program worked with my intuition. I was able to lose weight by eating healthy, fresh foods in small portions. And the best part was, I never felt hungry.

I lost 40 pounds on the HCG diet plan and I have kept it off for over a year. With the healthy eating habits I learned on the program, I figured out portion control. I also restored my body's natural HCG balance and I feel great. If you feel like giving up because you can't lose weight with traditional diets, don't lose hope. Give the HCG diet plan a try. For me, it worked where other diets failed!
